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The Magic Triangle Block Tutorial


Christina's preferred setting for the Magic  Triangle Quilt Block

I'm thrilled to show you a versatile block that you can make with wedge shapes! No paper piecing! There are so many ways to use this little block, the picture above is one of my favorites, see more possibilities at the bottom of this post.

One single Magic Triangle Quilt Block.

I demonstrated how to make this block on Fresh Quilting recently, and if you haven't seen the episode yet, here is my segment!

You may also want this link to these instructions in a printable format, provided by the Fresh Quilting show, including a printable template for making this block. In the episode I use the 10 degree wedge ruler from Phillips Fiber Art.

For those who are curious, if you follow these instructions you end up with a block that finishes at 10'' from point to edge, and 11 5/8'' along any side.


  • Fabric for wedges: various colors, 1/4 yards or fat quarters

  • Fabric for triangle points: one 4 1/2’’ square for each block

  • 10-degree ruler or printable template (see attached)


  • Cut wedge fabrics into 9’’ strips

  • Subcut strips into wedges, aligning the wide end of the wedge template (OR the 11 3/4’’ mark on your 10 degree wedge ruler) for each cut. You will need 6 wedges per block.

Join the wedges in sets of two. Match wide ends and sew from the wide end to the narrow end. Use a shorter stitch length because we will be cutting across these seams later.

After wedges are joined into pairs, Create wedge sets by joining three pairs together, for a total of 6 wedges per set. Again, align wide ends and sew from wide to narrow end. Press seams open.

Six wedges sewn together for the Magic Triangle Quilt Block

Now this is the chance to square up your piece for accuracy. You can do this if you have a cutting mat with a 60-degree mark on it, or a 60-degree triangle ruler.

Squaring up your arc to make a Magic Triangle Quilt Block

Lay the wedge set down, aligning it with the cutting mat’s angled 60-degree line on one raw edge and a horizontal line (or vertical line, depending on your mat) on the other raw edge of the wedge set.

Align the wedge set so the fabric comes completely to the lines with as little over the lines as possible. Then, use your quilting ruler and rotary cutter to trim any fabric that extends over the lines.

Trim the wide end of the piece to a straight line by cutting from corner to corner. Align the center seam of the wedge set with a line on your cutting ruler to make sure your cut is perpendicular to the center seam of the wedge set.

Trimming the top of the Magic Triangle Quilt Block

Measure 7 1/4” from the previous cut and make a straight cut across the narrow end of the wedge set. Again, align the center seam with the marks on your ruler, to make sure your cut is perpendicular.

Trimming the bottom of the Magic Triangle Quilt Block

Join a 4 1/2’’ square of fabric to the narrow end of the wedge set. Press.

Joining a 4 1/2" square to the bottom of the Magic Triangle Quilt Block

Use the edges of your piece as your guide to trim the triangle tip.

And you’re all done! Have fun playing with layouts!

This blog post originally appeared on the A Few Scraps blog on April 05, 2017.

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